400+ fully animated videos on chemistry, physics, biology and engineering. Immediacy performed all content development and production.
In 2016, we swept the Cine Golden Eagle awards with our 28-part series on explorers through the ages. Rich layers of visual material culture, meticulously researched by art historians, created authentic tapestries of history. Some of these recently debuted as interactive Google Earth stories, which we also authored.
This is one of numerous online learning products we have collaborated on with our publishing partners. We also created the most comprehensive multi-year series of Paralegal training on the market. Penn Law was also our very first client back in 1990, a tele-drama series on ethics in law.
Over the years, we have created scores of basic and advanced training programs for nurses and allied healthcare workers, but this is the first one that was fully animated! 40 episodes in this series and 80 more in two related series for FA Davis, including Pathophysiology.
For more than a decade we created hundreds of videos to support the flagship Milady Cosmetology textbook series. The many topics included Haircutting and Styling, Barbering, Esthetics, Salon Management, Massage Technique, Train the Trainer and much more.
Shot on location in Glendale Arizona, Immediacy Learning scripted and produced 25 lab skills videos based upon the Jones & Bartlett Learning’s Pommerville – Fundamentals of Microbiology (11e) textbook as well as 37 video author introductions to the chapters. The series is targeted to students taking Microbiology as a mixed-major course as well as incoming nursing students enrolled in Nursing Programs at 4-year, 2-year, and career college institutions.
Produced by Immediacy Learning, Art Minutes is a fresh series of bite-sized animations for kids exploring great works of art throughout history and around the world. Each program is only about a minute in length, yet is packed with fascinating facts, vocabulary, ideas and visual explanations about familiar and not-so-familiar masterpieces of the art world. Every video is accompanied by a full-scale lesson plan to help teachers place the work in context, as well as fun, comprehensive and challenging classroom art projects with step-by-step instructions.
Our series of 100 short-subject videos explore the intersection of environmental and human systems. Topics include migration (both human and animal), human rights, Earth systems and cycles, climate change, consumption and waste, renewable energy, and more. Distributed by Discovery Education.
Hundreds of automotive maintenance and repair skills were taught using a combination of live action, graphics and animation. Our team traveled every month to Dayton Ohio for eight months to complete the shooting.
Twenty-five biography videos for PBS Learning were each accompanied by full lesson plans developed by our SMEs. You can take a look at them all right here.
Nominated for an Emmy in the first-ever Broadband category, our supercharged explorations of topics in quantum physics, genetics and biochemistry brought a quirky UK book series to life.
This series of demonstrations, made in collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania’s Physics & Astronomy department, was designed for use in the classroom as well as for review online. Master Educator, William Berner, beloved by many for his decades of entertaining high school demonstrations, shares his unique teaching style that brings physics to life.